奥地利优尼康科技公司(IONICON) 新世代 PTR3 TOF 10k VOCs 和大气自由基分析质谱仪
用于研究大气中 痕量 VOC-ELVOC 分析,尤其是活性VOCs在全生命周期内的大气化学演变。相比之前的PTR产品,具有以下特点:
? 优化的无接触式进样系统,只有进样管内层流中心的气体进入反应室采样;这对于低浓度VOCs(pptv级),活性VOCs,HOMs,SVOCs的检测非常有用。
? 非常适合做大气中自由基的分析研究。
? 3个独立操作的离子源,包含H3O+、NO+或O2+,切换方便。
Detection limit: < 0,1 pptv
Sensitivity: > 50000 cps/ppbv
Mass Resolution: > 10000
The PTR3-TOF 10k is a new generation of ultimate performance PTR-TOF systems optimized for the detection of highly-oxygenated organic molecules and RO2 radicals.
The instrument comprises a novel high-resolution TOF, a triple ion sourceand an advanced inlet system for virtually contact free sample introductionin order to minimize sampling losses of reactive organic molecules.
At a glance
Detection optimized from VOC to ELVOC, highly-oxygenated molecules and RO2 radicals
Virtually loss-less dual-stage core sampling inlet system
TRION triple ion source for fast switching between H3O+, NO+ and NH4+
IP protected novel 3D tripole reactor
Renowned ION-BOOSTER funnel and hexapole ION-GUIDE
The PTR3 is your ticket to the future of PTR-TOF performance. A unique combination of the most refined and advanced IONICON technologies with the patent protected 3D tripole reactorenables outstanding sensitivities of more than 50000 cps/ppbvfor e.g. ketones and the novel high-resolution ioniTOF 10kfeatures mass resolving powers of typically 10000 to 15000 m/Δm.