元奥仪器是德国PCO.AG公司是中国区域核心授权代理商,负责德国PCO.AG产品在中国市场的推广、销售、技术支持等工作,为客户提供性价比高的产品。 欢迎您来电咨询!
pco.panda 4.2 bi UV是科学成像相机的突破,它具备出色的性能,同时提供超低噪音,高速的帧频,宽动态范围,高量子效率,高分辨率和大的视场范围,响应紫外波段的光谱。pco.panda 4.2 bi UV 科学级SCMOS相机,使用科学级的背照明sCMOS芯片,4.2百万像素成像分辨率,量子效率可以达到95%,16位的动态范围,极低的读出噪音,小于2个电子,并提供高速的成像40幅/秒@全分辨率情况下,可满足科学应用中对于低噪声、高帧速、宽动态范围及高分辨率的紫外成像需求。
超紧凑相机外形设计带来的良好通用性!并且此产品通过单条USB 3.1电缆即可同时完成供电和数据的快速传输,无需外部电源。其16位的sCMOS芯片具有2048 x2048的高分辨率和6.5 x 6.5 μm2的像元尺寸,以及它卓越的成像质量将使您获益非浅。并且,此产品确保极高的量子效率和超低读出噪声。pco.panda 4.2 bi UV的优点包括sCMOS技术的灵活设计,可充分支持您的广泛应用。
超小型设计65 x 65 x 65 mm3
采用背照式16 bit sCMOS 芯片技术
图像分辨率2048 x 2048 pixel
像素大小: 6.5 x 6.5 μm2
量子效率95 %
帧率40 fps @ 全分辨率
USB 3.1 Gen1 传输方式
低功耗,USB 供电
pco.panda 4.2 bi UV
compact back illuminated sCMOS camera in the ultraviolet range
Do you work insidethe ultraviolet wavelength range and want to benefit from latest sCMOS sensortechnology at once? pco.panda 4.2 bi UV will help you to do so.
The specializedinput window inside the camera achieves high QE in the ultraviolet wavelength range.The system itself is based on our compact pco.panda series with modern backilluminated sensor technology. This makes the camera perfect for demandinglighting conditions, even without active cooling.
The highresolution and 6.5 x 6.5 μm2 pixel size guarantees you greater detail diversityand highly qualitative images. The USB 3.1 interface provides direct powerdelivery via the USB cable. Our latest developments in sCMOS technology andcompact dimensions make the pco.panda 4.2 bi UV ideal for countlessapplications in microscopy and life science.
ultra-compact size: 65 x 65 x 65 mm3
back illuminated 16 bit sCMOS sensor technology
high resolution 2048 x 2048 pixel
pixel size: 6.5 x 6.5 μm2
quantum efficiency up to 95 %
maximum frame rate 40 fps @ full resolution
rolling shutter (RS)
additional feature:lightsheet scanning mode
USB 3.1 Gen1 interface
power over USB
注:产品信息若有变更恕不另行通知/ 德国PCO公司中国区域核心授权代理商---元奥仪器