12-channel EMG (surface/intramuscular)
and EEG amplifier with BNC and SCSI Analog output
General Description: AnEMG12 is a multichannel analog amplifier for bioelectrical signals surface electromyographic signals (sEMG), intramuscular electromyographic signals (iEMG), electroencephalographic signals (EEG) and electrocardiographic signals (ECG). The AnEMG12 can amplify 12 bioelectrical signals in two modalities monopolar and differential. Selectable gain can be modified for each inputs. AnEMG12 instrument is completely safe for the patient. The safety is achieved by means of medical grade electrical insulation of all the circuitry connected to the patient.The signals acquired by the instrument are amplified, filtered, digitally converted optocoupled and than analogue converted and then available at BNC or SCSI Analog Output connectors.
Deatails: AnEMG12 allow acquiring, in any configuration, 4 additional signals on the auxiliary inputs (AUX-INPUTS). The signals can be generated by other amplifiers (e.g. force, torque, angle, position or trigger signals) that do not need an optical insulation.
Developped with: Ernest N. Kamavuako, Head of Laboratory for Invasive Myoelectric Control, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark