EMG (surface/intramuscular), EEG and ECG amplifier
(from 16 up to 384 channels, iEMG, sEMG, EEG and ECG 16 auxiliary inputs)
(从16到384通道,IEMG、肌电、脑电、心电 16辅助输入)
General description: Quattrocento is a versatile amplifier for the acquisition of surface/intramuscular EMG signals, EEG and ECG signals. The system can record monopolar or bipolar channels from up to 400 detection sites. Quattrocento is an optically isolated device which assures the complete safety for the patient. It has been designed in compliance with the European standards for biomedical instrumentation. A specially designed feedback circuitry is used to reduce 50~60 Hz line interference, thus allowing high signal quality in both monopolar and bipolar acquisition. Quattrocento has a double power supply, battery and main power.
Technical specifications: Quattrocento is a bioelectrical amplifie that can amplify from 96 up to 400 EMG (surface/intramuscular) EEG and ECG signals, in any configuration are available 16 auxiliary inputs; Quattrocento transfers data to the PC with USB/Ethernet connections, quattrocento has a double power supply, main power and battery.
Developers:The Quattrocento system has been developed together with Prof. Dario Farina, UMG at Goettingen University