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二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000

二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000
  • 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000
产品报价: 面议

厂家: 美国安捷伦Agilent

  • E1301B B-Size VXI Mainframe, 9-Slot 全新品现市场价 US$ 5,037


  • E1326B 5.5 Digit Multimeter, B-Size 全新品现市场价 US$ 2,038
  • E1345A 16-Channel Low-Offset Relay Multiplexer 全新品现市场价 US$ 1,942
  • E1330B Quad 8-Bit Digital Input/Output 全新品现市场价 US$ 1,103

E1326B 5.5 Digit Multimeter, B-Size 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000

  • 2-Slot, B-size, register based
  • DCV, ACV, 2- & 4-wire Ohm, temperature
  • 5.5-digit low-noise integrating A/D
  • 13 kHz high-speed sampling A/D
  • Balanced differential isolated inputs
  • Software calibrationet link

The Agilent E1326B autoranging 5.5-Digit Multimeter is a B-size, 2-slot, register-based VXI module. It is identical in electrical design to the E1411B, differing only in size. The E1326B can be used in the E1302A or the E1300/01/A/B mainframes. Using the Internal Installation Kit (E1326-80004) or Option 009 when ordering the E1300/01/A/B, the E1326B can be mounted internally in the E1300/01/A/B mainframes (saving two module slots). This instrument is especially well suited for data acquisition and computer-aided test applications.

This module can be used as an integrating A/D to make 5.5-digit, low-noise measurements, or switch to the sampling A/D to make 14-bit readings at rates up to 13 kHz. When combined with any Agilent VXI relay or FET multiplexer, you can create a multichannel scanning multimeter. By sending just one SCPI command to the E1300/01/A/B mainframe built-in command module or the E1306A command module, you can program the multimeter and the channels of your multiplexers at one time. The E1326B provides flexible triggering with built-in timer pacer.

Product functions for the E1326B include DCV, ACV Offset-compensated Ohm, Thermocouples, Thermistors, and RTDs.

Refer to the Related Links Section below for instrument driver availability and downloading instructions, as well as for recent product updates, if applicable.

See the Agilent Website http://www.agilent.com/find/inst_drivers for driver availability and downloading.


E1345A 16-Channel Low-Offset Relay Multiplexer 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000

  • 1-Slot, B-size, register based
  • General purpose, low-offset relay multiplexer
  • Low thermal offset reed relays, < 4 µ V
  • 16-channel 3-wire or 8-channel 4-wire multiplexer
  • Shunt/series signal conditioning elements
  • Channel scanning with Agilent DMMs

The Agilent E1345A General-Purpose Reed Relay Multiplexer is a B-size, 1-slot, register-based VXI module that switches 16 channels of high, low, and guard each. The multiplexer has low thermal offset performance. This module consists of a B-size component card (labeled E1345-66201) and a screw terminal block that plugs onto the component card. The E1345A is functionally similar to the E1347A.

The E1345A multiplexer is arranged into two banks of eight switches, each having its own common high, low, and guard screw terminals accessible on the terminal block. Tree-switched common high, low, and guard screw terminals and analog bus connections provide access to all 16 channels. The module may be programmed as either a single 1 x 16 three-wire multiplexer, two independent 1 x 8 three-wire multiplexers (for four-wire &omega) or a 1 x 8 six-wire multiplexer.

E1330B Quad 8-Bit Digital Input/Output 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000

  • 1-Slot, B-size, register based
  • Quad 8-bit input or output data ports
  • Interface to industry standard opto-isolator racks
  • Standard GPIO handshake modes
  • Wide variety of output data types
  • Four-port digital input/output module

The Agilent E1330B Quad 8-bit Digital Input/Output module is a B-size, 1-slot, register-based VXI device. It is a four-port digital input/output module intended for data communication and digital control.

Each 8-bit port is identical consisting of data and handshake/control lines. Each 8-bit port can be configured for output or input and positive or negative true logic. Ports can be combined allowing data transmission using bytes, words (16-bit), and long words (32-bit). Bit data transmissions are also allowed. Three handshake and control lines are provided for each port when using SCPI programming. The flag line from each of the individual ports can be used independently, or they can be combined when using word or long-word data transmission.

E1301B B-Size VXI Mainframe, 9-Slot 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000

  • Dual fan cooling supports high-power modules
  • Front panel for manual control
  • Low-cost, compact mainframe
  • Built-in command module
  • GPIB interface and Resource Manager
  • SCPI for easy programming
  • VXI device type: Mainframe
  • Data transfer bus: 16 bits

The Agilent E1301B B-size VXI mainframe features improved dual fan cooling for support of the most demanding B-size modules, such as the E1312A. Two of its nine slots are located internally and are dedicated to housing the 2-slot E1326B Multimeter.

The E1301B Mainframe features a built-in high-performance command module (functionally identical to the E1306A Command Module) with built-in GPIB interface.

The E1301B Mainframe is identical to the E1300B in function, but features a front panel and keyboard for manual control and troubleshooting without the use of GPIB. This makes it an ideal mainframe for remote applications.

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