SWOB 5 | SWOB 4 详细介绍 |
厂家: 罗德与施瓦茨 R&S
尺寸: 50x29x36cm
重量: 26kg
扫频显示信号发生器 polyskop
The Polyskop SWOB 5 is a compact two-channel sweep tester.It is as well suited for applications in the laboratory,in test and production departments as for all users who find most of all simple operation an important requirement besides large-screen display for single and high-quantity measurements.Recording may be performed by use uf a recorder or photographic attachment.for the adjustment of the sweep width ,there are four possibilities.The total frequency range from 0.1 to 1000MHz can be swept in a single sweep or the sweep width is continuously adjustable from 5 to 1000MHz for broadband measurements .For marrow-band operation,the sweep width can be continuously adjusted from a maximum sweep width of approxtmately 50 MHz to a minimum sweep width of approximately 300 kHz .It is also possible to cut off sweep operation altogether so that a signal generator is obtained that can be continuously tuned through the range from 0.1 to 1000 MHz(cw operation).
Pulse or line markers provide orientation along the frequency axis,the marker amplitude or intensity being continuously adjustable. A manually adjustable bright-up marker ,at which the sweep is stopped for a short time, allows triggering of a frequency counter connected to the RF monitoring output.External markers can be fed in.At the lower screen edge,the individual sweep range selected is indicated by a bright-up bar on a scale .Sweep time can be continuously adjusted from 20 ms to 2 s .The measurement curves are displayed on a long-persistence screen with a diagonal diameter of 28cm.
The receiver section consists of a measuring head and a deflection amplifier .Termination and insertion units as well as probes are available as measuring heads.
The deflection amplifiers are designed as plug-ins,enabling the user to equip the sweep tester with one or two channels and with linear and/or logari thmic amplifiers to meet all possible requirements.
The Rohde & Schwarz Polyskop 4, also called SWOB IV, is a complete sweeper system for the frequency range of 100 kHz to 1000 MHz.With maximum sweep width, the complete range can be swept at one time. Has a narrow sweep mode as well: in this mode maximum sweep width is 30 MHz, min. 150 kHz.Horizontal display (sweep time) adjustable between 20 ms and 2 seconds.Dynamic range 60 db.Built-in display with large CRT, built-in demodulator, no external accessories needed.Offered here is the 75 Ohm version, which is equipped with N-connectors.
名称: VSWR BRIDGE 电压驻波比电桥 | |
名称: 1V DEMODULATOR 50欧姆 型号: SWOB 5 Z1 0.1-1300MHz 交流电压小于5V,直流电压小于10V |