仪器磁带记录仪 V-STORE Instrumentation Tape Recorder
Data Channels: 16, 24 tracks
Tape Types: Industry standard VHS video cassette
FM Signal Module - Frequency Response Tape Speed
(in/s) Wideband 1 2xWideband 1 Wideband 2
(DC to kHz) Bandwidth
(DC to kHz) Bandwidth
(DC to kHz)
30 20 40 100
15 10 20 50
7 5 10 25
3 2.5 5 12.5
1 1.25 2.25 6.25
15/16 0.625 1.25 3.13
15/32 0.313 0.625 1.56
Voice Annotation: Microphone/Loudspeaker
Monitoring and Metering
* Integral Display: input or output level bar graphs
* Digital Metering
* Waveform Display