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教育装备采购网 2020-10-14 13:53 围观1274次

  AML Oceannographic公司原有产品如BaseX,SmartX、MicroX、MinosX等系列原有产品将停止生产供应,现全面升级为AML-1、AML-3、AML-6系列产品,传感器探头仍旧采用可更换探头形式,可根据需求自由组合成CTD温盐深仪、SVP声速剖面仪、多参数水质传感器等仪器。


  End of Life Notice - AML Oceanographic’s Blue X•change Line

  On September 1, 2020 AML Oceanographic launched its new product line, referred to as X2•change (aka Orange Line). Identified by orange sensor collars, this ecosystem is the next evolution of AML’s original XchangeTM technology, reflecting AML’s decades of instrumentation experience and feedback from a global user base. If you have an existing or future project and/or tender planned that specifically calls out a Blue Line (original X•change) instrument, please contact AML Oceanographic and / or respond to this e-mail by 15 October 2020 to discuss options. The end of life schedule for the Blue XchangeTM Line is as follows:Current inventory forecasts availability of the following instruments through the following dates. Note these dates are subject to change based on inventory drawdown: 

  BaseX2 100m - No longer offered.

  BaseX2 500m - 1 November 2020

  SmartX 500m - 1 December 2020

  SmartX 6000m - 1 March 2021

  MicroX - 1 December 2020

  MetrecX/XL 500m - 1 December 2020

  MetrecX/XL 6000m - 1 March 2021

  PlusX - 1 March 2021

  MinosX 1000m - 1 March 2021

  MinosX 6000m - 1 March 2021

点击进入上海瑾瑜科学仪器有限公司展台查看更多 来源:教育装备采购网 作者:上海瑾瑜科学仪器有限公司 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿


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