第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2020-07-07 16:31 围观1746次


  A few days ago, our school has officially passed the examination and approval of the official examination Edexcel in the United Kingdom, becoming the first teaching examination center (center number 92773) authorized by the Edexcel examination authority in Nanchang City, and has the qualification to organize the IGCSE / A-level examination under the name of Edexcel. This is another milestone in the international development of Teensen education. It is also the second examination and education institution to open A-level teaching and examination center in our school after Teensen became the first Cambridge International Examination Center in Nanchang.


  Edexcel is the largest academic examination and education institution in the UK and a model of high quality academic education in the UK. The holders of the international A-level and GCSE certificates can apply for senior high schools and universities in English speaking countries such as Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia. The A-level examination of Edexcel is conducted independently in units and scored separately. Students can apply for all units at one time or in batches according to their own learning situation. Each course has multiple examination opportunities. For Chinese students, some of Edexcel's science subjects, such as physics and chemistry, are relatively simple, and students can easily get high marks.


  Tao JUANJUAN, vice president of Teensen, said: "the settlement of Edexcel global teaching and examination center in our school is a great event and a happy event for our school and even the education circles in our city. This indicates that our A-level is becoming more and more international and professional, and has been favored and certified by more and more international education examination institutions. The settlement of EDEX global teaching and examination center in our university will help our school to further build a high-quality international education curriculum platform and broaden students' multiple choices for further study. For the same subject, students can choose the relatively simple one under different examination bureaus to apply for the examination, so as to combine the best test scores and reflect the advantages in university application. "

  天行是一所拥有独立校园的寄宿制学校,一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、 C(caring乐于助人)、 D(devoted奉献精神)、 E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE”这五种素养为培养目标。学校致力于成为江西一流、全国知名的国际化名校,培养学校坚持精品化、小班化教学,为每一位孩子量身定制专属的学习计划和培养方式。学校2019届毕业生100%被世界Top100名校录取,2020届毕业生100%被世界Top60名校预录取。在这个新起点上,天行将不忘初心,砥砺前行,续写辉煌。

  Teensen is a boarding school with an independent campus. It has been cultivating five qualities: a (ambitious), B (bold ), C (caring), D (devoted), e (erudite) and "ABCDE". The school is committed to becoming a first-class and well-known international famous school in Jiangxi Province. The school adheres to high-quality and small class teaching, and customizes its own learning plan and training method for each child. 100%of the graduates of the school of 2019 are admitted by the top 100 universities in the world, and 100%of the graduates of the year 2020 get conditional offer from the top 60 universities in the world. At this new starting point Teensen will not forget its original intention, forge ahead and continue to be better.


  撰写:Jane        肖   依

  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

  翻译:Shmily      邓   莹

  视频:Louis        胡   猜

  Leo           罗   睿

  朗读:  Shmily      邓   莹

  Irene        巫倩宇

  主编:Jane        肖   依

  总编:Johnson  张世霖

  —Power by Teensen Media—


来源:天行中文 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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