In the blink of an eye, the entrance exam to the high schools has already entered the countdown stage and there are only 40 days left before the exam. The students are performing the final sprint. For middle school students, this time of year is destined to be full of anxiety.
Anxious with the children, there are parents. What should I do if my child fails the test? What kind of school is better to choose after the exam? What if public education is not suitable for children? What are the management, teaching and enrollment rates of international schools? Should I let the child go to a domestic public high school to sprint into a 985 or 211 key university or choose to study at an international high school to study abroad, to sprint into a first-rate overseas famous school?
Entering a good high school is to go to a good university after three years, but the annual enrollment rate for each key high school is about the same. If you are not a student at the top of the school, it means that even if you are admitted to a local key high school, it is very difficult to be admitted to a good university. What's more, the physical and mental pressure faced by children is increasing day by day. Rather than predicting what will happen three years later, it is better to choose an international school which is suitable for your own children's development. You can fully enter the world's top 100 schools through personalized and scientific planning.
So compared to domestic high schools, what are the differences between international high schools, let us take a look.
PART1 课程设置不一样
The courses of international high schools are more diverse, and are divided into compulsory courses and elective courses. Students can choose according to their own strengths and interests. However,the general high school curriculum has only nine major subjects, and there is no room for choice.
PART2 升学计划不同
In international high schools, the target colleges are mainly foreign famous schools, and the comprehensive score assessment adopted by international high schools can apply to multiple universities at the same time, breaking the traditional education "one test determines lifelong" model.
In general high schools, there is basically only one way to enter the colleges--the college entrance examination. Because of the education system, it is very difficult to enter the prestigious school through the college entrance examination, and the pressure on students is also greater.
PART3 教学模式不同
International high schools generally use small class teaching, each class is composed of 10-20 students, emphasizing that students are autonomous, cooperative, and inquiry-based learning. They also encourage students to actively answer questions in the classroom, fully express their ideas and opinions, and actively communicate with teachers and classmates.
Whereas, there are dozens of students in each class of general high schools. The teacher has limited energy and it is difficult to take care of each student. They also use "cramming" teaching method and the learning effect is difficult to guarantee.
PART4 学习环境不同
International high school courses are taught in pure English or bilingual Chinese and English. Learning in this environment is very helpful for students to improve their English.
General high school students are basically immersed in learning, and there will be less communication and interaction.
PART5 培养目标不同
The cultivation of students in international high schools is not only to make students to enter well-known foreign colleges, but also focuse on the cultivation of students' multi-aspect abilities. In this way, students who have learned well have improved in all aspects, not just learning.
General high schools are mainly focused on improving students' grades, and pay less attention to other aspects.
PART6 课余安排不同
International high schools organize students to participate in various activities in addition to the course study and encourage students to participate in various school associations and various international competitions, which enrich the students' extracurricular life. This is also conducive to students' interpersonal communication, independence and teamwork ability. These abilities expand students' international perspective.
General high schools basically do not have a rich curriculum, and the students are usually occupied by homework and cram schools after class, which is not conducive to the diversified development of students.
A-Level course is adopted in Teensen International School, which allows students to be "partial". Students can choose 3-4 subjects that they are good at or like according to their specialty. This can provide students with a fertile ground for them to find their own points of interest for special research, so as to obtain high scores.
Teensen International School adopts small class teaching and adopts layered teaching so that students can adjust the learning progress and content according to their own foundation and learning ability. It also brings in an open teaching classroom model that emphasizes students' autonomy, cooperation, and inquiry-based learning. Experienced teachers will guide and cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability and encourage students to actively participate in the answering and discussion of questions in the classroom and fully express their views and opinions on the problems.Also the communication between teachers and classmates is very active.
天行一中一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、 C(caring乐于助人)、 D(devoted奉献精神)、 E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE”这五种素养为培养目标,让孩子接受真正的全人教育。我们尊重孩子的每个梦想,努力让学生在呵护下成功融入国际化教育,快乐学习与成长,自信闪耀在世界舞台上!
Teensen International School has always been based on the five qualities : A (ambitious), B (bold), C (caring), D (devoted), E (erudite). The "ABCDE" qualities are our cultivation goals, having the students received true holistic education. We respect every dream of our students, and strive to allow students to successfully integrate into international education with care, making the students learn and grow happily, and shine on the world stage with confidence!
Although the college entrance examination is not the only way out, but in small and medium-sized cities, it is indeed an important way to change fate.
In small and medium-sized cities, educational resources are relatively scarce, social practice activities are few, and extracurricular reading is lacking. It is not because urban schools do not want to open but because there are no complete educational facilities and there are no mass books for reading.So education becomes a simple response to the exams. However,in the future growth path,it is essential to have the communication and teamwork ability,curiosity, rich knowledge, autonomous learning and other abilities, whereas they cannot be improved by exercises. In addition, the large number of teachers' turnover in small and medium-sized cities every year leads to the formation of the huge educational holes, and the possibility that young people in small and medium-sized cities can change their fate by reading books becomes more and more slim. It is especially important for students in these places to find a higher platform for young people to jump out of the current social circles.
If you want your children to be able to gallop on another more spacious track, have a better way out, and have more choices in life, welcome to participate in the 2020 Teensen International Education Itinerant Exhibition, We will carry out international education tours in Ji'an, Fuzhou, Yingtan and Shangrao respectively. At that time, we will invite Ms. Vivian,the global career planners, the Cambridge examiner of the entrance guidance office, Ms. Cathy, the global career planner of Kuder, senior education management and overseas entrance experts and other international education elites focusing on school selection and talking about international education.
This moment, meet Teensen, meet a better self;
This journey, meet Teensen, meet a better future;
Choose Teensen, be with the strivers, and walk along with the elites!
撰写:Jane 肖 依
编辑:Wendy 贾西贝
翻译:Daisy 周 萍
视频:Louis 胡 猜
Leo 罗 睿
朗读:Roxy 黄昱榕
Jessica 吴子欣
Andy 张 宇
Geogria 魏嘉莹
Blueberry 蒋佳颖
主编:Jane 肖 依
总编:Johnson 张世霖
—Power by Teensen Media—
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