中文名称:人可溶性信号素 4D 检测试剂盒(酶联免疫法)
英文名称:Soluble Semaphorin4D ELISA
1. 品质保证:在临床试验中历经严格的验证和质量控制;
2. 高特异性:抗体和试剂高特异性;
3. 可重现性:可溶性非脱落信号素4D 特异性分析;
4. 可靠性:7个标准品,2个质控品,让你获取可靠的生物数据;
5. 较少样本量:只需10µl;
6. 专利产品:自主研发与生产。
1. 信号素4D参与骨细胞功能体系调节骨代谢,被认为是骨形成过程的重要抑制蛋白[1-2],与其特定受体丛状蛋白B1(Plexin-B1)结合, 在抑制骨细胞功能, 阻滞骨形成的信号转导通路过程中起着重要的作用[3]。
2. Plexin-B1是Sema4D的高亲和力受体, 可介导Sema4D在神经发育、血管新生、骨吸收等方面的作用。
3. 血清中Sema4D和Plexin-B1的下降直接减缓对其信号通路的抑制作用, 进而促进前成骨细胞向成骨细胞转化,成骨细胞功能增加, 数量增多,骨代谢表现为高骨转化状态。
货号 | BI-20405 |
方法学 | 夹心ELISA, HRP/TMB, 12x8人份测试 |
样本类型 | 血浆(EDTA, 肝素,枸橼酸钠) |
标准品范围 | 0-2,000 pmol/l (7个标准品) |
标准品 | 0/62.5/125/250/500/1,000/2,000 pmol/l |
质控品 | 2 个 |
样本量 | 10 µl /测试 |
孵育时间 | 3 h / 1 h / 30 min |
单位换算 | 1 pg/ml = 0.00127 pmol/l (MW: 78.9 kDa) |
灵敏度 | LOD: 12 pmol/l (0 pmol/l + 3 SD); LLOQ: 31 pmol/l |
精密度 | 批内差(n=5) ≤ 8%, 批间差(n=11) ≤ 11% |
回收率 | EDTA 血浆:92%. 肝素血浆:103%.枸橼酸钠血浆:83%. |
健康人群参考范围 | Median (EDTA plasma, n=44): 245 pmol/l. 推荐建立实验室自己的参考范围。 |
1. Semaphorinscommand cells to move. Kruger RP et al., Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2005; 6:789-800.
2. The semaphorins. YazdaniU and TermanJR, Genome Biol, 2006; 7(3): 211.
3. Biology and function of neuroimmunesemaphorins4A and 4D. Nkyimbeng-TakwiEH and ChapovalSP, ImmunolRes, 2011; 50 (1):10-21.
4. Structural basis of semaphorin-plexinsignallingB.J.C. Janssen BJC et al., Nature, 2010; 467:1118-1122.
5. Semaphorinsand their receptors in immune cell interactions. Suzuki K et al., Nature Immunology, 2007;9:17-23.
6. Sema4D induces angiogenesis through Met recruitment by PlexinB1. ConrottoP et al., Blood, 2005; 105:4321-4329.
7. Diverse roles for semaphorin-plexinsignaling in the immune system. Takamatsu H et al., Trends Immunol, 2012; 33(3):127-135.
8. Bone cell communication factors and Semaphorins. Negishi-Koga T and TakayanagiH, BonekeyRep, 2012; 1:183.
9. Suppression of bone formation by osteoclasticexpression of semaphorin4D. Negishi-Koga T et al., Nat Med, 2011; 17(11):1473-1480.
10. Soluble SEMA4D/CD100: A novel immunoregulatorin infectious and inflammatory diseases. MalekiKT et al., Clinical Immunology, 2016; 163:52-59.
11. Anabolic bone formation via a site specific bone targeting delivery system by interfering with semaphorin4D expression. Zhang Y et al., J Bone Miner Res, 2015; 30(2): 286-296.
12. Generation and preclinical characterization of an antibody specific for SEMA4D. Fisher TL et al., Mabs, 2016; 8(1):150-162.
13. Coagulation-induced elevated sSEMA4D concentrations in human serum versus plasma measured by sandwich ELISA. Laberet al., 2018; submitted.