COSMOtherm Version C3.0 Release 15.01
2. COSMOtherm新功能和扩展功能:
上述经验模型适用于室温和纯溶剂相,并且必须包含纯水为给定相。三种经验IFT模型嵌入到COSMOthermX界面的“Environmental Properties”选项卡中。另一种,基于COSMOtherm的FLATSURF方法的迭代、自洽计算功能模块在COSMOthermX的IFT选项卡中。虽然IFT迭代方法预测,比经验方法需要更多的计算资源,但是没有温度和混合方面的限制。
3. COSMOthermX 图形用户界面(GUI):
2013年12月重新设计的COSMOthermX得到了改进和整合。可同时在GUI平台上高效的、交互的进行多个任务的运行和分析。COSMOthermX中引入了新的批处理和筛选功能,如计算一定温度范围和浓度范围内的性质计算。最新的“Look & Feel”进一步增强了图形用户界面的可用性。
2011年引入的BP-TZVPD-FINE得到了很大的改进。除前几年的改进,本次重点增加了相互作用微表面电荷形成的偶极子电介质相互作用计算的修正,细节将2015年发表。经典的COSMO-RS理论认为,氢键能正比于由可提供氢键的原子组成的表面数量。 相反,2011年引入的TZVPD-FINE认为氢键-焓是由氢键的给体和受体原子数目决定,而氢键-熵由给体和受体表面数量和极性决定。
· Residual Dielectric Correction (RDC) (New Dec. 2014)
· Dispersion energies based on Grimme’s D3 method3 (Dec. 2013)
· Dispersion correction to the HB interaction energy (Dec. 2013)
· Entropic contribution of HB acceptor sites (Dec. 2012)
· New hydrogen bonding physics (Dec. 2011)
· Steric hindrance for hydrogen bonding (Dec. 2011)
· Inclusion of some hydrogen bonding cooperativity effects (Dec. 2011)
· New quantum chemical level (BP-TZVPD) (Dec. 2011)
· Improved cavity construction (FINE-cavity) (Dec. 2011)
1 Elbro, H. S.; Fredenslund, A.; Rasmussen, P. A. Macromolecules 23, 4707 (1990).
2 Loschen, C.; Klamt, A. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 53, 11478 (2014).
3 Grimme, S.; Antony, J.; Ehrlich, S.; Krieg, H. J. Chem. Phys. 1 3 2, 154104 (2010).
Details on the residual dielectric correction term (RDC)
In classic COSMORS the electrostatic misfit energy is calculated locally for surface patches in close contact. This way any nonlocal,
long range electrostatic interactions are neglected.However, in the COSMO-RS ensemble of contacting molecular charge surface patches situations may occur, where contacting surface patches with different
charges cancel out only partly and a certain amount of charge residue is left on the molecule’s surfaces. The interaction of the residual
surface charges can be relevant in some cases, but in classic COSMO-RS it is neglected. In particular, if the residual surface charges form a dipole (or even have a total charge), then long range electrostatic
interactions will become relevant (e.g. a nonpolar solute like hexane in a polar solvent like DMSO). This is the main source of the long-standing COSMO-RS problem with dipolar-aprotic solvents, also known as the “DMSO-issue”. As a solution to this problematic subject, the so called Residual Dielectric Correction (RDC) term was introduced into the
BPTZVPD-FINE level COSMO-RS theory. The basic idea of the RDC term is that long range electrostatic interactions (nth order solvation shells) can be described by a COSMORSinherent dielectric continuum model in analogy to the quantum chemical COSMO model. The residual charge is screened
by a polarizable dielectric continuum representing the first solvation shell. In addition, the second solvation shell screening due to
solvent reorientation around the first solvation shell is taken into account. The resulting dielectric energy depends on the dielectric
constant of the solvent/mixture in terms of its static permittivity ? and refractive index n2.
Although the charge distribution on a molecule is now treated within a solvent continuum, the long range Coulomb interactions between
ionic species are not accounted for. This means that the residual dielectric correction does not attempt to replace a Pitzer-Debye-Hückel term or a similar correction term for the electrostatic long range interaction of hard ions.Advantages of the new RDC term:
The expectable root mean square error of BP-TZVPD-FINE-C30-1501 parameterization is now smaller than 0.4 kcal/mol, which is an improvement by 0.03 kcal/mol over the BP-TZVPD-
FINE parameterization 1401 of December 2013 and by 0.1 kcal/mol over the current TZVP parameterization. Dipolar aprotic
solvent compounds such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), or dimethylformamide (DMF) have profited the most from the RDC term.
Their prediction error is reduced by up to 0.5 kcal/mol and is now in the same range as the overall expectable error.
Disadvantages of the new RDC term:
Although the construction and evaluation of the RDC term is time consuming and
computationally demanding, the loss of computation speed has been more than made up for by
other speed enhancements in the FINE level’s HB2012 hydrogen bonding term (as noted in
section 1, above). Thus, altogether the calculation speed of FINE 1501 is faster than that of all
previous FINE versions. A slight backdraw of the new RDC term is its usage of estimated values for the squared refraction index
n2 and the dielectric constant ?. Though these estimations are good enough to provide an overall benefit, some rare molecules,
however, might get bad estimations. It is possible to use experimental data for such cases.