Item 4—1—4 Electron Diffraction Apparatus
1. Working Conditions
1.1 Please see General Provisions, Art. 4
2. Specifications
2.1 Electron diffraction cathod-ray tube
2.1.1 Polycrystal and single crystal samples Thickness of samples about 100A~200A
2.1.2 Diameter of electron beam about 0.5 mm
2.1.3 This tube should give a blight and unambiguous
Diffraction pattern
2.1.4 Diameter of cathod-ray tube >130 mm
2.1.5 Accuracy of measuring
Wave-length of electron better than 5%
2.1.6 The glass envelope of CRT is transparent to permit visual
Examination of all parts of the internal construction
2.2 Effective deflection diameter
In X and Y axis about 40mm
3. Required accessories , spare parts, special tool, expendables
Or other supplementary components
3.1 Please see General Provisions, Art.13
4. Accessories, spare part, expendables or other supplementary
Components under inquiry
4.1 Please see General Provisions, Art.15 and 17